The patented O2 Pulse Pressure applicator’s computer control enables gentle and consistent oxygen impulses to be used for demonstrable penetration of the epidermis - through to the basal membrane. Active ingredients and cosmetics can be efficiently worked into the skin as required. In addition to the relaxing skin massage effect, this means a deposit within the skin can be built up, which provides it with a sustainable supply of active ingredients and oxygen.
Deeply penetrating wrinkle treatment
General improvement of complexion, e.g. for pale, pallid, tired, sun-damaged skin, as well as smokers’ skin
For relaxing massage of irritated or stressed skin
After just a few applications, you can already see the result: naturally elastic and wrinkle-free skin. Improved elasticity of the skin strengthens the connective tissue and makes the dermal tissue structure more uniform. Skin circulation is also optimised through the combination with concentrated oxygen.
Active substance cocktails can be individually prepared and specially infused into the epidermis for any customer types. With the computer-controlled oxygen pressure (high pressure impulses) the uppermost skin layers can be penetrated without being harmed.